Power Tips: Get Your ASI Controller Upgrade Tuned by a Pro

No matter how many Sur-Ron upgrades you install on your e-bike, one basic part might be holding you back. The controller is the ‘brain’ of the bike, which controls your total power output, torque, top speed, acceleration, and accessible energy.

A top-notch controller can totally transform the performance and feel of your Light Bee X, which is why it’s one of our most popular Sur-Run mods. In 2021, EV Freaks and our partners sold more than 250 ASI BAC4000 and ASI BAC8000 controller kits with 100% customer satisfaction rates.

More and more riders are choosing to swap out the Sur-Ron stock controllers for new Sur-Ron parts, like the ASI system. Technically, you can order the ASI controller direct from the Canadian supplier or get Sur-Ron parts from another local UK dealer, but is it worth the investment?

Unless the controller is perfectly programmed and tuned by a professional to match your engine’s specific parameters, you won’t get the full effect. Buggy mods are just as bad as stock parts.

EV Freaks maxes out performance with:


The Most Advanced Tune on the Market

Advanced engineering doesn’t just sound good on paper – it works better on the track.

Every ASI controller has to be programmed and tuned for your specific bike. As you know, EV Freaks is run by and for e-bike lovers, and we spend all of our spare time riding. This allows us to research, ride, study, and tweak the products that we sell. You’ll be able to ride harder, jump higher, and go even faster.

EV Freaks has partnered with the Sur Ron team of engineers in Switzerland and other German engineers, including Dr.Ondrej, who are just as obsessed with the Light Bee X as we are.

Durable Mounts & Premium Sur-Ron Accessories

Why would you mount an industry-leading controller onto a cheap 3D plastic kit or basic steel bracket? Unfortunately, we see lots of e-bikes enter our shop with shoddy attachments from other vendors.

Instead, EV Freaks have designed an exclusive heatsink for the ASI BAC4000 and BAC8000 controllers as part of our limited-edition FAST BEE product line. It’s the most effective way to mount your new controller with built-in cooling panels. Plus, the casing protects against flying rocks and debris during off-road riding sessions.

Upgraded Throttle for Smooth Speed

These kinds of Sur-Ron upgrades prove how basic the stock parts are… In addition to installing your ASI controller, we’ll also upgrade the Alta electric throttle. Every detail matters, and EV Freaks takes the time to do it right.

Custom Programming Session and Aftercare

How do we maintain a 100% customer satisfaction rate on our ASI Sur-Ron upgrades? Every e-bike gets a custom tuning and programming session, which only takes about an hour in the shop. Every engine is slightly different, so a cookie-cutter installation approach won’t work. Our engineers are also available to troubleshoot, resolve, and improve any potential issues that riders notice on the road. 


At EV Freaks, we don’t just sell you the part – we offer a complete, ready-to-ride package that maximizes power and performance. No upsells or add-ons; we specialize in complete Sur-Ron upgrades so that you can get the most out of your new ASI controller.